Posted on 5/27/2022

In short, yes. It is very important for vehicle owners to have their wheels balanced when necessary. If your car is showing the following signs or experiences the following circumstances, then your car probably needs a wheel balance: Excessive shaking or vibrationsNoisy tires - humming or buzzingWorn tiresHitting large obstructions like potholes or curbsRight after getting new tires When a tire is out of balance, it cannot properly grip and drive on the road. As a consequence, you experience those annoying vibrations. Not only can getting a wheel balance correct the symptoms above, but it can promote a smoother ride experience. There's no doubt that tires and wheels are very heavy. When you get new tires, it is imperative that they are balanced before being mounted. During a wheel balancing service at Diablo Auto Specialists, one of our professional mec ... read more